Sunday, March 20, 2005

while studying for tml's gp..

happened to come across this passage..
Sometimes, when we believe too much in the future, we tend to become rather stubborn and take people and many things in our life for granted. It is not uncommon to see teenagers indulging in self-gratification and in the midst, they ignore their parents assuming that parents will always be there, likewise for parents, when their only concern becomes their career and they fail to provide joy to their children by spending time with them. We tend to take our loved ones for granted and believe that we have forever to love them later on. But the truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as “forever” or “later”. It is now or never. If we spend time with our family and loved ones, we are sure to gain the pleasure and this is indeed the better way of living our life for we know that we would not have anything to regret later on when our loved ones leave us forever. Death is an irreversible change and it puts an end to everything that we have in our life, so why cannot we live today in joy and without fear of tomorrow?


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